Now What
Preliminary Arraignment
By the time you read this you’ve either been processed through the prison, or sent home directly from the police station to eventually be SUMMONED to the local court. NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL A LAWYER. (MY CONSULTATION IS FREE!!! 215-773-0543) There are things at the local level that can affect your eligibility for a First Time Offender program(ARD).
Preliminary Hearing
You will be required to appear for a preliminary hearing which involves only the State presenting evidence and the Judge making a determination of whether or not there was probable cause to charge you with all the crimes listed by the police in your criminal complaint. The preliminary hearing is in front of the local judge, and although it’s not a determination of guilt of innocence, a lawyer can find value in the hearing by getting some charges withdrawn or making a record of the testimony by the police officer.
The formal charges are filed in the County Courthouse. If you have a lawyer, you can take the day off and not appear. He’ll enter a NOT GUILTY PLEA on your behalf. He’ll file Motions challenging the Constitutionality of your stop and arrest, and he’ll get ALL the Commonwealth’s evidence.
Pretrial Conference
Now you have to go to court. In theory, the Commonwealth will make their best offer to resolve the case. If you don’t like it, or still maintain your innocence then you can go home and wait for a trial date.
Now is your day in court. You’re presumed innocent. You have the right to remain silent. And you have a right to use an attorney. He’s the only one who can make the Commonwealth prove their case against you.